Frequently Asked AWS Sysops Interview Questions and Answers
by Subashini, on Jul 20, 2022 8:02:30 PM
Q1. What is AWS?
AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a platform to provide secure cloud services, database storage, offerings to compute power, content delivery, and other services to help business level and develop.
Q2. What is the importance of buffer in Amazon Web Services?
An Elastic Load Balancer ensures that the incoming traffic is distributed optimally across various AWS instances. A buffer will synchronize different components and makes the arrangement additionally elastic to a burst of load or traffic. The components are prone to work in an unstable way of receiving and processing requests. The buffer creates an equilibrium linking various apparatus and crafts them to work at an identical rate to supply more rapid services.
Q3. Define roles?
It provides permissions to entities that can be trusted within your AWS account. It is very similar to users. With roles, creating any username and password to work with the resources is not required.
Q4. What is the most efficient method of securing data in the cloud?
The most efficient way of securing data is to monitor it while moving from one point to another. Leakages in security keys within the number of the storeroom in the cloud should be closely monitored. Segregating the information and encrypting them with one of the approved methods in one of the nest methods to stop pilferage of data. Amazon Web Services provides a very secure form of data management within the cloud.
Q5. What are the different layers of cloud computing?
Following are the list of the layers in cloud computing:
1. PaaS – Platform as a Service
2. IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service
3. SaaS – Software as a Service
Q6. What are the components involved in Amazon Web Services?
Amazon Web Services consists of various Components as stated below:-
1. Route 53: It’s a simple DNS-based web service.
2. Amazon S3: With this component, key information necessary in creating structural designs and generating any other amount of data produced is stored in consequence of the key specified.
3. Amazon EC2: This component runs efficiently on a large distributed system on a Hadoop Cluster. Parallelization is on an automatic mode and scheduling of tasks can be achieved through this component efficiently.
4. Amazon SQS: Mediator between different controllers. It also acts as a cushion as and when required.
5. Amazon Simple DB: Stores the transitional position logs and errors executed by its consumers.
6. Cloudwatch: Monitors Amazon Web Services resources and allows administrators to view and collect keys.
Q7. Define Edge locations?
The area where the contents will be cached is Edge Location. So the content will automatically be searched in the edge location when a user is trying to access any content.
Q8. What is VPC?
VPC is Virtual Private Cloud. It enables customization of your networking configuration. This network is isolated from another network in the cloud. It allows you to have your IP address range, internet gateways, subnet and security groups.
Q9. Define SimpleDB?
Simple DB is also known as key value data store. It is highly available & flexible non-relational database that enables developers to request and store data with minimal database management and administrative responsibility.

Q10. What are the different types of virtualization in AWS?
There are three types of virtualization in AWS i.e. Hardware Virtual Machine, Paravirtualization & Paravirtualization in HVM.
Q11. What is geo-targeting in CloudFront?
For instance, if you want your business to produce and show personalized content to the audience based on their geographic location without making any changes to the URL then simply go for geo-targeting.
- Geo-targeting aids one in creating a customized content for the group of spectators of a specific geographical area by giving priority to their needs.
Q12. What are the differences between NAT Gateways and NAT Instances?
Though both NAT Gateways and NAT Instances provides very similar functions. Below mentioned are some of the key differences.
Availability | It is high | It is high |
Bandwidth | Here, it is up to 45Gbps | Here, it depends upon instances bandwidth |
Maintenance | AWS manages it | You can manage it |
Performance | It delivers good performance | It delivers average performance |
Cost | It depends upon No. of gateways, duration and amount of usage. | It depends upon No. of instances, duration, amount & type of usage. |
Size and Load | There is uniformity | It can be changed as per the requirement |
Security Groups | Not possible | Possible |
Q13. What is the difference between scalability and flexibility?
The capability to enhance the performance to complete the tasks in hand with the available resources is known as Scalability, whereas the capability of the system to work in its full capacity is known as flexibility. Amazon Web Services can scale its services as and when required apart from being flexible by augmenting its supplementary hardware properties.
Q14. Name the Various Layers in Cloud Architecture.
1. CC – Cluster Controller
2. SC – Storage Controller
3. CLC – Cloud Controller
4. Walrus
5. NIC – Node Controller
Q15. What do you mean by auto-scaling?
One of the most remarkable features in Amazon Web Services is when it allows you to organize and artificially stipulate on its own and spins up new problem-solving methods without requiring your involvement. It can be achieved by setting the brinks and metrics on a watch.
Q16. Which automatic gears help us with spinup services?
API tools that are normally used for writing scripts are being used for spinup services. These can be scripted in Perl, bash or any other language preferences. Tools like Scalr are also used other than controlled ones like RightScale.
Q17. How can an Amazon instance be scaled vertically?
It is one of the most credible characteristics of Amazon Web Services. Spinup should be the last line of defense. We should increase the instance and separate the root EBS volume and remove it from this server. The distinctive device ID should be noted down and appended to the new server and the machine should be started again. This is the most efficient method to scale up vertically in Amazon Web Services.
Q18. What is the Amazon EC2 service?
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a service that provides scalable computing services on the cloud and can be used to launch as many virtual services on need.
Q19. What are the features of Amazon EC2 Services?
It has the following features:-
1. Virtual Computing Environments
2. Pre Configured Templates for Instances
3. Complete packages needed for the server in the form of AMI
4. Secure Login Information for Instances using key pairs
5. Storage volumes for temporary data are deleted when instances are terminated.
6. It provides persistent storage volumes.
7. Firewall enabling you to specify the protocol
8. The static IP address for dynamic cloud computing known as elastic IPs
Q20. What is the relation between Instance and AMI?
Amazon Web Services provides various methods to access Amazon EC2. Web-based interface, Amazon Web Services command line interface and Amazon tools for windows Powershell. For this one has to sign up for an Amazon Web Services account to access the Amazon EC2. From a single AMI, many instances can be launched. An instance typically symbolizes the hardware of the host computer. Each instance type offers different computing and memory capabilities.
Q21. Explain storage for Amazon EC2 instances.
Amazon EC2 provides four options for data storage depending upon its performance and durability.
1. Amazon EBS – data storage volume is independent of the running life of the instance. It’s just like accessing an external hard disk drive on the cloud.
2. Amazon EC2 Instance store – Storage volume that is attached to the host computer. The data on the instance store is available only till the life of the instance and if you terminate it, the data is lost forever.
3. Amazon S3 – the most reliable and inexpensive option for accessing and modifying data from anywhere anytime.
4. Adding storage - Evert time we launch an instance a root storage device is created for that instance.
Q22. Explain how to simulate perimeter security using Amazon Web Services Model?
As we all know traditional perimeter security is the use of firewalls which was used as the first line of defense, ever since we felt the need for security systems. Traditional methods have become obsolete and are not supported in Amazon Web services or Amazon EC2. Amazon prefers and supports security groups. A security group can be created for a jump box with ssh access. From that point, a webserver and database group can be created. We can then add the end number of machines to the webserver group and they all take care of the database. No one can directly ssh to any of the machines.
Q23. How to use Amazon SQS?
Amazon Simple Queue service is a message-passing system used for communication between different connectors interconnected with each other. It also communicates between all the components of the Amazon web services, keeping all different functional components together.