Q1. What is Groovy?
Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for JVM (Java Virtual Machines). It is used to combine Java modules, to write Java application and to extend existing Java application.
Q2. What is Groovy used for?
Groovy is a scripting language with Java-like syntax for the Java platform. The Groovy scripting language simplifies the authoring of code by employing dot-separated notation, yet still supporting syntax to manipulate collections, Strings, and JavaBeans.
Q3. What are the benefits of using Groovy?
Concise, brief, direct syntax: this allows developers that use Groovy to develop projects faster and easier. Relatively short learning curve: this is a relatively simple language like Python or Ruby. It is easy for developers to learn. Support for unit testing: Groovy is a testing-oriented development language.
Q4. What is Groovy framework?
Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. It is a dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk. It can be used as a scripting language for the Java Platform. Groovy has a Java-like syntax and works seamlessly with Java bytecode.
Q5. What is are the limitations of Groovy?
t can be slower than the other object-oriented programming languages. It might need memory more than that required by other languages. The start-up time of groovy requires improvement.
Q6. What is Groovy closure?
A closure in Groovy is an open, anonymous, block of code that can take arguments, return a value and be assigned to a variable. A closure may reference variables declared in its surrounding scope.
Q7. What is Groovy map?
The map is an essential feature in Groovy language which extends the java. util. Map interface in Java that used for collection manipulation. Just like Java map, Groovy map defines a simple data structure that associates a key with a value. In other words, Groovy maps store the collection of the key-value pairs.
Q8. What is delegate Groovy?
Annotation to automatically delegate part of the functionality of an owner class to the annotated delegation target. The target can be a field (or property) or a method's return value. The delegate type is either the type of the annotated field (or property) or the return type of the annotated method.
Q9. Explain what is ExpandoMetaClass in Groovy?
ExpandoMetaClass is used to add methods, properties, static methods and constructors. Expandoclass does not inherited by default; you have to call ExpandoMetaClass.enableGlobally().
Q10. Explain what is Groovysh?
Groovysh is a command line application that enables an easy access to evaluate Groovy expressions, define classes and run experiments.
Q11. Explain GroovyDoc comment?
Like multiline comments, GroovyDoc comments are multiline but it starts with a /** and end with */. Those comments are related with
- Type definitions (classes, interfaces, enums, annotations)
- Fields and properties definitions
- Methods definitions
Q12. Explain what are Bitwise Operators in Groovy?
Bitwise operators can be implemented on a BYTE or an INT and return and INT. Bitwise operators offer 4 bitwise operators
- &: bitwise “and”
- I : bitwise “or”
- A : bitwise “xor”
- ~ : bitwise negation
Q13. List out the differences between Groovy and Java?
- All the packages and classes in Groovy is imported by default, you do not have to use the import statement explicitly
- Unlike Java where the methods are chosen at compile time, the methods in the Groovy are chosen based on the types of arguments at runtime
- In {…} block is reserved for closures, which means that you cannot build array literals with this syntax
- Like in Java, omitting a modifier on a field does not result in a package private field
- Automatic Resource Management or ARM block from java 7 are not supported in Groovy
- Java 8 lambdas are more or less considered as anonymous inner classes, and Groovy does not support that syntax
Q14. Explain the role of Grape dependency in Groovy?
Grape is a JAR dependency manager included into Groovy. It allows you to add quickly maven repository dependencies to your classpath, making scripting easier. The simplest use is adding an annotation to your script.
Q15. Name a few infrastructures with which you can use Groovy?
- App Servers
- Servlet Containers
- Databases having JDBC drivers
- All other Java-based platforms
Q16. What are the Groovy applications?
Apache Groovy is a powerful approach that has wide applications in some of the very important modules. The very first thing is it is considered when it comes to adjoining the different modules of Java. It doesn’t matter what exactly their size is, they can easily be combined. In addition to this, all existing Java applications can be extended through Groovy very simply. One more application that makes it simply the best in every aspect is its ability to develop Java-based applications without any error. There are several other applications that are quite common.
Q17. What is Querying in Groovy? Why there is a need for it?
Querying is basically an approach to detect whether the set of commands is compatible with the operations or not. Also, it can be considered when users need to verify or cross-examine something. The Groovy is an approach that has support for the various queries and the same can be handled. Its prime task is to make sure error-free outcomes under every situation.
Q18. Explain AstBuilder in Groovy?
DSL like specifications, Code as well as Strings are extremely useful in this manner. This task is reliable and there is nothing much that the users need to do. While building AST, sometimes the process takes time depending upon the exact number of tasks that are under a tree and how they are to be handled.
Q19. What do you know about Groovy documentation relation?
They clearly define interfaces, enums, classes, as well as annotations in a brief manner and are related to the same. Also, there is an explanation of different methods so those with a lack or limited knowledge can proceed with it reliably. There are also definitions regarding the properties and fields in the documentation. All this explanation is essential while programmers face errors or they have to define the functions in a proper manner without facing any error or a problem.
Q20. What exactly do you know about JVM?
It stands for Java Virtual Machines. They are basically regarded as one of the essential components or requirements on which Groovy works. In fact, Groovy is largely based on these machines. This is due to the fact that Groovy needs a Java-based platform to perform its task smoothly and reliably.
Q21. What is Java Grape dependency?
Dependency Management with Grape: All other dependencies can easily be added/manage in Groovy with the help of it.