SAP BAPI Interview Questions and Answers
by sonia, on Jan 11, 2018 5:38:59 PM
Q1. What is BAPI in SAP
Ans: BAPI is a Business Application Programming which provides access to processes and data in business application systems such as R/3. BAPIs are defined as API methods of SAP business object types. Business object types and their BAPIs are described and stored in the Business Object Repository (BOR). A BAPI is implemented as a function module, that is stored and described in the Function Builder.
BAPIs are defined as API methods of SAP Business Object Types. These object types are used within the Business Framework to enable object-based communication between components. Business objects and their BAPIs enable object orientation to be used in central information processing in companies.
Q2. Explain the steps to create a BAPI?
- 1.Creating a structure in SE11
- 2.Creating the function module in SE37
- 3.Creating the business object in SWO1
- 4.Viewing the created BAPI in BAPI Explorer
- 5.Test the BAPI.(BAPI tcode)
Q3. What are the uses of BAPI?
Ans: Using BAPI,we can connect :
- New R/3 components.
- Non-SAP software.
- Legacy systems.
- Isolating components within the R/3 System .
- Connecting R/3 Systems to the Internet.
- PC programs.
- Workflow applications.
Q4. What is the difference between BAPI and RFC?
BAPI is a RFC enabled function module and we create business objects and registered in the BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAP system by using other applications (Non-SAP) Languages such as VB or JAVA. That time we only define the business object and its methods from external system.
Communication between applications of different systems in the SAP environment including connections between SAP systems as well as between SAP systems and non-SAP systems. Remote Function Call (RFC) is the standard SAP interface for communication between SAP systems. The RFC calls a function to be executed in a remote system.
Q5. What are the types of RFCs
- Synchronous RFC
- Transactional RFC (tRFC)
- Queued RFC (qRFC)
Q6.What are RFC interfaces?
Ans: A calling interface for ABAP Programs
A calling interface for Non-SAP programs.
Q7. How do you call the RFC FM in the ABAP program?
Ans: CALL FUNCTION...DESTINATION statement. The DESTINATION parameter tells the SAP System that the called function runs in a system other than the callers.
Q8. What are the functions of RFC?
- Converting all parameter data to the representation needed in the remote system
- Calling the communication routines needed to talk to the remote system.
- Handling communications errors, and notifying the caller, if desired ( using EXCEPTIONS parameter of the CALL FUNCTION).
- Convert the data into the format understandable by the remote (target) system.
- Call up certain routines which are necessary to start communication with the remote system.
- Handle errors that might occur in the process of communication.
- RFC can handle errors itself.
- every BAPI is a RFc whereas every RFC is not a BAPI.
- RFC's are not registered in the BOR.
Q9. What are the main characteristics of BAPI?
- Support of synchronous and asynchronous communication.
- Support of machine-to-machine and human-to-machine communication.
- Communication support for components that are narrowly linked and coupled through the Internet.
Q10. What is the Business Objects type in SAP?
Ans: A business object type is the representation of a business object, like an human work force or a Invoice, in an SAP System. It encompasses both the functions and the data into single object.
Q11. What are the advantages of Business Objects type in SAP?
Ans: We can reduce the complexity of Systems structure by dividing the complex structures into smaller units.
Q12. What is the Business Object Repository?
Ans: The Business Object Repository (BOR) is root access point for the SAP business object types and their BAPIs. The BOR was developed for SAP Business Workflow.
Q13. What are the uses of Business Object Repository?
- Allows an object-oriented view of all data and processes in an SAP System.
- Arranging the various business object types according to the component hierarchy.
- It ensures BAPI interface stability.
- It manages BAPIs in release updates.
- It creates instances of SAP business objects.
Q14. What is the Returning parameter in BAPI?
Ans:The return parameter RETURN contains success or error messages for the BAPI, and depending on the SAP R/3 Release has the dictionary structure BAPIRETURN, BAPIRETURN1, BAPIRET1, BAPIRET2.