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Python Training

Python Online Training by myTectra – Learn from Expert Instructors at an Affordable Price

Gain hands-on experience with real-world projects, earn an industry-recognized certification, and enjoy flexible learning options with 24/7 support in our expert-led online training program.

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Key Program Highlights:

  • Delivering top-notch education to equip you with essential skills.
  • Learn from industry experts with real-world experience.
  • A thorough curriculum covering all necessary topics.
  • Dedicated support to help you secure job placements.
  • High ratings reflecting our commitment to quality.
  • Hands-on experience through real-world projects.
  • Personalized, engaging learning for better outcomes.
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About Program

Take your skills to the next level with comprehensive training in one of the most popular programming languages, Python. As the adoption of open-source technologies continues to rise, the demand for Python coding expertise is growing exponentially. myTectra's Python course is designed to cater to both beginners and advanced learners, empowering them to excel in this versatile language.

Our course, delivered by experienced technical experts, equips you with the knowledge and practical skills to harness Python's power. Whether you're starting your Python journey or aiming to master advanced functionalities, this training will prepare you to meet the industry's evolving demands.

Key Highlights

  • Industry-Relevant Training: Learn Python with a curriculum tailored to current market needs.
  • Expert Guidance: Gain insights from certified and experienced instructors.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Cover everything from Python basics to advanced features, such as object-oriented programming, web development, data analysis, and automation.
  • Hands-On Approach: Apply concepts through real-world projects, case studies, and coding challenges.
  • Certification: Receive a certificate upon completion, validating your expertise.

Why Python?

  • Widely Adopted: Used in web development, data science, AI, machine learning, and automation.
  • Open Source: Supported by a massive community of developers and contributors.
  • High Demand: Python developers are sought after across industries.
  • Versatile: Easy to learn and applicable across multiple domains.

While Python is beginner-friendly, having some foundational knowledge can enhance your learning experience. Here’s what you need to know about the Prerequisites before starting Python training with myTectra.

  • Basic Computer Skills: Know how to use a computer, browse files, and install software.
  • No Prior Programming Needed: Beginners are welcome! Advanced topics may require basic coding knowledge.
  • Internet Connection: Needed for accessing training materials and tools.
  • Interest in Learning: A passion for programming and curiosity to explore Python.
That’s it! Python is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Master Python Fundamentals: Understand syntax, data structures, and programming concepts.
  • Build Robust Applications: Develop real-world applications using Python.
  • Automate Tasks: Create scripts for automation and workflow efficiency.
  • Develop Web Applications: Build dynamic websites.
  • Solve Real-World Problems: Apply Python skills in practical scenarios and projects.
  • Prepare for Advanced Domains: Gain a strong foundation for machine learning, AI, and more.
  • Anyone aspiring to learn programming.
  • Professionals transitioning to Python for career growth.
  • Data enthusiasts and analysts exploring Python for data manipulation.
  • Automation engineers looking to enhance workflow efficiency.
  • Cloud and DevOps professionals creating automation.



Python Basics: This section involves the basic concepts of the variables and their importance. This also includes the compiler & interpreter knowledge with the different versions and its differences in python

  • Importance of PYTHONPATH and PATH Variable
  • Concepts of Compiler, Interpreter difference between them
  • Properties of python
  • version Difference

Variable and Variable concepts: This section deals with how to declare, initialize, swap, reference the variables with the same and different datatypes. How syntactically it is different from other technologies. Spacing also called indentation concepts.

  • Declaration
  • Initialization
  • Swapping
  • Indirect referencing
  • type identification
  • Syntax
  • Indentation

Operators and its classification: Different types of operators present in the python and its usage. this section also deals with some of the system functions such as print, input, int, etc.

  • Arithmatic Operators [ + , – , * , / , % , // , ** ]
  • Comparision Operators [ > , < , >= , <= , == , != ]
  • Logical Operators [ and , or , not ]
  • Assignment Operators [ += , -= , *= , /= ]
  • Membership Operators [ in , not in ]
  • terenary Operators
  • print , input , int , float , type , str functions

Conditional Statements: Types of conditional statements, execution of the statements based on the boolean output of the conditional statements along with the importance of the indentation in python.

  • if statement and its examples
  • if-else statement
  • Indentation and structure of the conditional statements.
  • nested if, nested if-else
  • if-elif-else and its importance


This section of python comprises of the system related concepts like data types, system-defined functions with practical implementations. System Module concept. how to import the system defined modules and its uses.

  • Python Data types like Numbers , Strings , Lists , Tuples , Dictionaries etc
  • difference between Normal and module function eg math , random.

Number functions: The functions which works on the number inputs are number functions. This section also comprise system defined number functions .

  • abs , max , min
  • math.ceil , math.floor , round,
  • random functions lile : choice , shuffle , randrange , uniform

String Functions and string Operators: The functions which work on the string inputs are number functions. This section also comprises system defined string functions.

  • string operators like + , * , [] , [:] , in , not in
  • case related functions like capitalize , upper , lower , title , swapcase
  • max , min , len
  • ljust , rjust , center , lstrip , rstrip , strip
  • count , index , find , replace
  • split , join , startswith , endswith , reversed , sorted
  • validation functions like isalpha , isdigit , isalnum , isupper , islower

Lists, operators, and functions: This section comprises of the list concepts such as operators and functions. List are the part and parcel when it comes dealing with files. This section also includes Indexing , creation , manipulation and deletion for the lists.

  • practical implementations with files using lists.
  • List operators + , * , [] , [:] , in , not in
  • List fundtions like len , max , min
  • append , extend , index , insert , pop
  • deep copy and shallow copy
  • remove , sort , reverse
  • map , reduce , filter

Tuple, Operators and functions : Tuples are immutable list . Here we deal with the difference between lists and tuples . Importance of the tuples over the list, Indexing , access and deletion of the tuples.

  • tuple operators + , * , [] , [:] , in , not in
  • difference between list and tuple
  • tuple functions len , max , min , copy
  • map , reduce , filter

Dictionary operators and Functions: Here we know about the key – value pairs. Has concepts . User defined indexing and its importance over the system defined indexes used in lists and tuples along with the Dictionary operators and functions.

  • Difference between list and dictionary
  • dictionary operators like [] , in , not in
  • dictionary functions like len , keys , values , items ,
  • get , fromkeys , setdefault


In the above section 2, we seen every function or module used is system defined. This section mainly focuses on user-defined elements like user-defined functions, types of user-defined functions and its importance. Return statement. user-defined modules how can user-defined modules are imported etc.

Exception Handling: This section consists of handilng the exceptiexceptions its importance. assert statement.

  • try , except block
  • System defined exceotions
  • User defined exception
  • assert statement
  • finally block

Files: This section is for creation, reading and writing of the files which are Ascii files , binary files etc except non ASCII files like pdf , excel files. Creation , deletion, Read , write and append operations in files.

  • file handlers
  • file functions like open , read , readline , readlines , write , writeline , writelines , close , seek , tell
  • file modes like r, w, a, r+, w+, a+, rb, wb, ab

User-Defined Functions: here we deal with user defined fucntions its types based on how arguments passed. Importance of the return statement.

  • difference between user defined and system defined functions
  • types of user defined functions like
  • Required and positional arguments
  • required and nonpositional Keyword arguments
  • default arguments
  • Variable-length arguments

user-defined modules: This section includes Importance of the user defined modules , use of file.Also how to create a module using folder and also using the files. difference between import and from keywords.

  • import statement
  • from statement
  • difference between import and from statement
  • importance of file
  • alias naming in python
  • Importing one python script in another


OOPS: OOPS whose abbrevation is object oriented programming system. This section deals with the real time programming examples .Importance of objects , object methods , class methods difference between them . Importance of self keyword.

  • Class sstructure
  • importance of objects
  • class methods and object methods
  • Importance of self , __init__ , __name__ , __dict__, __str__ .
  • importance of hasattr(), type(), issubclass(), isinstance(), super() functions
  • class Variables and static variables

Regular Expression: Regular expression is mainly used for the dynamic grepping or replacing of the data based on the pattern anchors.

  • pattern acchors
  • functions like match , search , findall , sub , compile

Excel Files: This section deals with using openpyxl module for excel file related tasks such.

  • How to open excel file in Read and Write and append mode
  • difference between load_module and module function
  • create excel file and add data dynamically in excel file
  • Read existing file and append data
  • Read data dynamically from excel file
  • max_row , max_column and sheetnames functions

Database: Database is a storage where we can store the data in the rows and columns. In this section we deal with the database concepts such as

  • Use of the Mysql database
  • How to connect to the database using the connect method
  • functions like cursor , execute , fetch , fetchall , close and its importance.
  • control functions such as db.commit and db.rollback and its importance
  • how to eexecute the query in python and fetch the data.

Iterators: This section deals with the handling of the memory with respect to the variables.

  • Importance of iterators
  • list and tuple iterator
  • String Iterator
  • next() function and its importance in iterators

Generators :

  • differnce between yield and return statement
  • use and importance of the yield over return statement

Decorators :

  • What is decorator
  • importance and use of decorators
  • JSON , YAML File concepts
  • PDF , Word , CSV , Excel Files [ Opening , Closing , DataExtraction , Creation ]

Threading: This section deals with the concept of threads which is called as parallel processing.

  • what is threading and its importance
  • functions like Thread , join , start
  • threading.main_thread()
  • threading.current_thread()
  • synchronus and asynchronus threads
  • Synchronization between threads
  • lock.acquire() and lock.release()
  • threading.Lock()

smtplib Module: This module is responsible for sending emails

  • how top send the text email
  • how to send the HTML email
  • adding attachments in the mail
  • functions like SMTP , sendmail , quit() , MIMETEXT

OS Networking module: This module contains the functions which are used to perform operating system related tasks.

  • importing os module
  • functions in os module like : access() , listdir() , mkdir() , makedirs() , rmdir() , removedirs()
  • file functions such as remove() , rename() , copy() , chmod() , stat()
  • link() , symlink() , readlink()
  • environ , getenv() , setenv()
  • Webpage Automation
  • screen scraping
  • web interface automation
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Demo Session

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Complete your registration to join the course. You will gain access to the Learning Management System (LMS), where all materials, schedules, and resources are available, ensuring you’re ready to embark on your learning journey smoothly.

Live Classes

Engage in live classes led by experienced instructors covering core topics in depth. Interactive discussions and Q&A sessions encourage active participation, enhancing your understanding and retention of the material taught.

Hands-On Project

Complete a hands-on project that applies your learned skills in practical scenarios. This project simulates real-world challenges, allowing you to build a portfolio piece that showcases your competencies to potential employers.


After completing the course and project, you will receive a recognized certification that validates your expertise and enhances your professional credentials in your chosen field.

Career Support

Access career support services after certification, including resume workshops, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. These resources equip you with the tools needed to transition successfully into the workforce.

Clients Testimonials

Hear what our students say about myTectra

“I did the Python & Django course in myTectra. myTectra also gave me the opportunity to work on a real-time project which helped me a lot to get my concept throw. myTectra also provided me the placement in the company for the course I did in mytectra.”
“myTectra helped me to get a good learning experience on Python Certification and Placement Assistance. Get Trained today on the most trending Technologies and Scale-up yourself.”
Pooja Sharma
AI, Ml & Python
“I have a good learning experience with myTectra learning solutions and I took python training under Santos sir. he is teaching both practical and theoretical ways with live examples.”
Sai Nagendra

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Course Features

Expert Trainers

Courses are delivered by experienced working professionals and subject matter experts with real-world experience.

Hands-On Training

We provide learners with practical experience through real-world scenarios, projects, and interactive exercises.

Customizable Corporate Training

Tailored training solutions designed to meet the specific needs of organizations and teams.

Certifications & Assistance

Certifications offered by myTectra align with international standards and we also help you to prepare for globally recognized certifications.

Global Recognition

Trusted by individuals and enterprises worldwide, with a track record of successful alumni and partnerships.

24 x 7 Expert Support

We have a 24x7 online support team to resolve all your technical queries, through a ticket-based tracking system, for a lifetime.

Gain prestigious credentials and recognition



Global Accreditation
Recognized Credentials

Start Learning Today. Access Your Resources for a Lifetime!

Enjoy lifetime access to myTectra’s Learning Management System (LMS), including session recordings, study materials, and resources. This ensures continuous learning and easy reference to course content even after completion.

Lifetime Access
24/7 Assistance

Resume Preparation Made Professional and Impactful

Get expert guidance in crafting a professional and impactful resume. myTectra’s resume-building support helps highlight your strengths, certifications, and skills effectively, increasing your chances of landing your dream job.

Job-Ready Resume
Resume That Stands

Prepare for Success with Expert Mock Interviews

Prepare for real-world interviews with personalized mock interview sessions conducted by industry experts. Receive feedback on your performance, learn key interview techniques, and gain the confidence to succeed in job interviews.

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Boost Your Confidence


How do I contact myTectra for Corporate Training?

Would you like to reach us for the training for your team? Please fill the below form. We will get back to as soon as possible.

What makes myTectra’s Python training unique?

myTectra’s Python training combines comprehensive theory with hands-on projects, real-world case studies, and instructor-led sessions. It’s tailored for both beginners and experienced professionals, ensuring a practical, industry-relevant learning experience.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in the Python training course?

No prior programming knowledge is required. This course is designed for beginners as well as experienced professionals, covering basic to advanced Python concepts.

Where do the classes take place?

For Individual: 

Classroom Training - Bangalore

Live-Online Training - Globally 

For Corporates: 

Classroom Training - We deliver classroom training for corporate in more than 20 countries. Send us an Enquiry Now!

Online Training - Globally

* All of the classes are conducted live online. They are interactive sessions that enable you to ask questions and participate in discussions during class time. We do, however, provide recordings of each session you attend for your future reference.

Who are the Trainers?

Our Trainer’s are chosen not only for their knowledge and expertise but also for their real-time experience in the respective courses. 

Will I receive any certification upon completion of the course?

Yes, upon successful completion of the course, participants receive an industry-recognized certificate from myTectra.

Can I expect career guidance or placement assistance after completing the course?

While myTectra may provide career guidance and assistance with resume building, job interviews, and industry connections, formal placement assistance may vary depending on individual circumstances and the current job market conditions.

What are the payment options?
Payments can be made using any of the following options and a receipt of the same will be issued to you automatically via email for both classroom training and Online training.
  • Visa Debit/Credit Card
  • American Express and Diners Club Card
  • Master Card
  • PayPal
  • Net Banking/Wire Transfer
  • UPI Payment such as Google Pay, PhonePe, Paytm
  • Cash/Cheque/DD ( Not for Online Training )
What if I have more queries?

Just give us a CALL at +918047112411 OR email at

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Career Services

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Mock Interview Preparation
Resume & LinkedIn Profile Building
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Python Online Training

myTectra offers top-quality online Python training with expert instructors, hands-on projects, and industry-recognized certification.

Python Certification Course Online

Gain real-world programming skills with myTectra’s Python certification course online, designed for beginners and professionals.

Advanced Python Online Training

Master Python with myTectra’s advanced Python online training, covering data science, web development, and automation.

Best Python Online Course

Join the best Python online course at myTectra, featuring flexible schedules, expert mentorship, and 24/7 support.

Python Online Training with Placement

Kickstart your career with myTectra’s Python online training with placement assistance and hands-on experience.

Python Training in Bangalore

myTectra provides expert-led Python training in Bangalore and globally, helping you become a skilled Python developer.