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TOGAF Training
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About Program
TOGAF® is an enterprise architecture methodology that helps businesses align their objectives in a way that benefits enterprise software development. It is a vendor-neutral framework that is held at high standards by several organizations all over the globe.
Learning Objectives: Understand The Open Group TOGAF Certification for People program, levels for certification, paths for certification, and the requirements for certification.
Topics: i) About TOGAF and the Open Group ii) The Training Course, TOGAF Structure iii) Structure of the Training.
Core Concepts
Learning Objectives: Basic concepts of Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF, Core concepts of TOGAF, and understand the key terminology of TOGAF.
Topics: i) Definition of key concepts and terms, TOGAF ii) Architecture Framework
Introduction to the ADM
Learning Objectives: Understand the Architecture Development Method (ADM) cycle, the brief objective of each phase in the cycle, and how to adapt the ADM and ADM architecture scope and its integration.
Topics: i)Overview of the TOGAF ADM ii) Objectives of each ADM Phase iii)Architecture Development.
Introduction to the Architecture Content Framework
Learning Objectives: In this module, you will learn scripting functionality and organizing data for effective results.
Topics) Objectives of the Preliminary Phase ii)Seven Aspects Defining the enterprise iii)Identifying key drivers and elements iv) Requirements for architecture work v)Framework to be used vi)Relationships between management frameworks vii) Evaluating the enterprise architecture maturity viii)Inputs to the phase with key elements: Architecture Frameworks, Business principles, business goals, and business drivers ix)Influence of pre-existing architectural inputs on phase x) Steps for Enterprise architecture team and organization, Set of Architecture Principles for a given scenario, Tailoring the framework, xi)Outputs & Key Elements: Architecture Principles, xii) Architecture Governance Framework, xiii)Request for Architecture Work.
Introduction to Enterprise Continuum & Tools
Learning Objectives: Understand the key concept of the Enterprise Continuum, its purpose, and its constituent parts.
Topics: i)Enterprise Continuum - Introduction & Usage, Re-use of architecture artifacts ii) Constituents of the Enterprise Continuum iii)Definition of the Architecture Continuum iv)Stages of architecture evolution defined in the Architecture Continuum v)Solutions Continuum, Stages of architecture evolution defined in the Solutions Continuum vi)Relationship between the Enterprise Continuum and the TOGAF ADM
Architectural Work Product
Learning Objectives: Understand the concepts of views and viewpoints, their role in communicating with stakeholders as well as applying them to the Architecture Development Cycle. Understand the concept of building blocks within TOGAF and the key deliverables of the ADM cycle.
Topics: i) Architecture Deliverables across the ADM cycle ii) Define & understand relationships of key concepts like Stakeholders iii)Concerns, Views, and Viewpoints iv)Differentiate viewpoints, v)View Creation process vi)Building block, vii)Distinction between Architecture Building Blocks and Solution Building Blocks viii)Use of building blocks in the ADM cycle.
Stakeholder Management
Learning Objectives: Understand how to apply the Stakeholder Management technique.
Topics: i)Steps in developing a Stakeholder Map ii)Benefits of creating views iii)Three example views provided by TOGAF
Architecture Patterns
Learning Objectives: Provide guidelines for using architecture patterns.
Topics: i) Architecture Patterns.
Architecture Partitioning & Organisation
Learning Objectives: Understand how Architecture Partitioning can be used to simplify the development and maintenance of enterprise architecture & the Architecture Repository, its constituent parts, and its relationship to other parts of TOGAF.
Topics: i) Architecture Partitioning ii)The Architecture Repository iii) Architecture Tools.
Architecture Capability Framework
Learning Objectives: Architecture Governance contribution to the Architecture Development Cycle, Phase G, the role of Architecture Capability Maturity Models & The Architecture Skills Framework.
Topics: i) Establishing an Architecture Capability using ADM ii)Architecture Contracts - contents & relationship to Architecture Governance iii) Architecture Maturity Models iv)Capability Maturity Model v)CMMI process, structure and levels of the ACMM vi)The role of Maturity Assessments in the ADM vii) Architecture Skills Framework, including roles, skills and proficiency levels.
Architecture Governance
Learning Objectives: Understand The Open Group TOGAF Certification for People program, levels for certification, paths for certification, and the requirements for certification.
Topics: i) Architecture Board- establishment, responsibilities, factors for setting up & operations ii) Architecture Governance - Concepts, Framework, Benefits iii)Fitment within ADM Cycle and key success factors for putting Architecture Governance into practice.
Architecture Compliance and Risk Management
Learning Objectives: Introduction to the ADM Guidelines and Techniques.
Topics: i) Risk Management- characteristics & usage within the TOGAF ADM ii) Risk monitoring iii) Architecture Compliance - meaning & need an Architecture Compliance Reviews - process & usage
Architecture Principles
Learning Objectives: Introduction to the ADM Guidelines and Techniques & how to apply the Preliminary Phase in the development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics: i) Architecture Principles and where they are used within TOGAF ii) Standard Template for Architecture Principles iii)Good Architecture Principle iv)Identify and establish a set of Architecture Principles for a given scenario
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Preliminary Phase
Learning Objectives: The purpose is to understand how each of the ADM phases contributes to the success of enterprise architecture & how to apply the Preliminary Phase in the development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics: i) Objectives of the Preliminary Phase ii)Seven Aspects Defining the enterprise iii)Identifying key drivers and elements iv) Requirements for architecture work v)Framework to be used, Relationships between management frameworks vi)Evaluating the enterprise architecture maturity vii) Inputs to the phase with key elements: Architecture Frameworks, Business principles, business goals, and business drivers viii) Influence of pre-existing architectural inputs on phase ix) Steps for Enterprise architecture team and organization x) Set of Architecture Principles for a given scenario xi)Tailoring the framework xii) Outputs & Key Elements: Architecture Principles, Architecture Governance Framework, Request for Architecture Work.
Business Scenarios and Business Goals
Learning Objectives: Understand how to apply the Business Scenarios technique.
Topics: i) Understand what a Business Scenario is and its purpose ii) Understand where Business Scenarios are used within the ADM cycle iii) Understanding the properties of a good Business Scenario iv)Learn how to develop and validate a Business Scenario
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Phase A: Architecture Vision
Learning Objectives: Understand how to apply Phase A in the development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics: i) Objectives of Phase A: Architecture Vision and Business Scenarios ii)Typical contents of the Architecture Repository - stakeholders, concerns and business requirements iii)Business Transformation Readiness Assessment iv) Risk Assessment v) Statement of Architecture Work vi) Capability Assessment vii) Architecture Vision and Communications Plan viii) Security Architecture influences on this phase.
Architecture Implementation Support Techniques
Learning Objectives: ADM Guidelines and Techniques, Phase A, Phase B & Phase F in development of enterprise
Architecture and Phase E and F for migration planning.
Topics: i) Gap Analysis- purpose & technique ii)Migration Planning Techniques iii) Implementation Factor Assessment iv)Deduction Matrix v) Consolidated Gaps & Solutions vi)Dependencies Matrix vii) Architecture Definition Increments Table viii)Transition Architecture State Evolution Table in conjunction with the TRM ix) Business Value Assessment Technique x) Interoperability Requirements xi)Use of Interoperability Requirements within the TOGAF ADM xii)Reconciliation of Interoperability Requirements with potential solutions xiii) Business Transformation Readiness Assessment xiv) Business Transformation Readiness Program xv) Business Transformation Readiness within the ADM xvi)Business Transformation Readiness Capability Based Planning xvii)Capability-Based Planning & application in an enterprise architecture context.
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Phase B: Business Architecture
Learning Objectives: ADM phases - objectives and the approach for each phase & learning to apply Phase B in the development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics: i) Inputs to the ADM using Business principles ii) Business goals and business drivers iii) Three techniques for business modeling, iv) Considerations for selecting reference models v)Viewpoints and tools vi)Technique of Gap Analysis vii)Building blocks in the development of the Business Architecture vii) Understand the outputs using Business Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document viii) Business Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification & Security Architecture influences on this phase
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Phase C: Information Systems Architecture
Learning Objectives: ADM phases & application of Phase C (Data Architecture) in the development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics : i) Information Systems Architectures ii) Approach recommended by TOGAF like Key considerations for the Data Architecture & Architecture Repository iii) Phase C: Information Systems Architectures - Data Architecture, Implementation order of the Data and Application Architectures iv) Inputs to the phase and Data Principles v)Steps & considerations for selecting reference models, viewpoints and tools vi)Outputs using Data Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document vii) Data Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification & Security Architecture influences on this phase viii) Phase C: Information Systems Architectures - Application Architecture, inputs & Application Principles ix) Steps & considerations for selecting reference models, viewpoints and tools x)Outputs using Application Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document xi) Application Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification & Security Architecture influences on this phase
Foundation Architecture TOGAF TRM
Learning Objectives: The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate have a detailed understanding of the TOGAF Technical Reference Model (TRM).
Topics : i) Understanding the role of the TRM as a Foundation Architecture ii)Familiarising the major characteristics of a Foundation Architecture iii) Briefly understanding the basic concepts of the III-RM iv) Briefly learning the relationship of the III-RM to the concept of Boundaryless Information Flow v) Understanding the TRM graphic, including the following key elements :Application Software Categories, Application Platform Interface, Application Platform vi)Communications Infrastructure Interface, Qualities vii) Briefly understanding the structure of the TRM viii) Briefly exploring the main architecture objectives of using the TRM ix) Understanding about the Platform Services Taxonomy x)Understanding about the Service Quality Taxonomy xi)Understanding how to customize the TRM to meet an organization's specific needs.
Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model
Learning Objectives: Detailed understanding of the TOGAF Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM).
Topics : i) Understanding the business and technical drivers for Boundaryless Information Flow ii) Learning how the III-RM fulfills the solution space for Boundaryless Information Flow iii) Briefly understanding the high-level structure of the III-RM, III-RM graphic, Business Applications, Infrastructure Applications, Application Platform, Interfaces, Qualities
Phase D: Technology Architecture
Learning Objectives : Understand how to apply Phase D in development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics : i) Understanding the main objectives of the Phase D ii) Briefly learning the approach to the phase including using the Architecture Repository iii) Understand the inputs to the phase and explain the following key elements:Technology Principles iv) Understand the steps involved and being able able to: Learning how the TRM can be used when developing a Technology Architecture, Learning the role of ABBs v) Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements:Technology Architecture components of the Architecture Definition Document, Technology Architecture components of the Architecture Requirements Specification vi) Understand the Security Architecture influences on this phase
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions
Learning Objectives : Understanding how to apply Phase E in development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics : i) Understanding the main objectives of the Phase E ii) Briefly learn the approach to the Phase E iii) Understand the management frameworks that have to be coordinated within this phase iv) Learn how business value is assigned to each work package v) Understand the steps to prioritize the migration projects vi) Understand the steps to confirm the Architecture Roadmap vii) Learning key outputs of this phase specifically: Implementation and Migration Plan, Architecture Definition Document, including Transition Architectures (if any) and Understanding the Security Architecture influences on this phase
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Phase F: Migration Planning
Learning Objectives : Understand how to apply Phase F in the development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics : i) Architecture Board, ii) Briefly learn the need for establishment of an Architecture Board iii) Understand the responsibilities of an Architecture Board iv) Discuss the factors that should be considered when setting up an Architecture Board v) Learn how to operate an Architecture Board vi) Architecture Governance vii) Briefly learn the concept of Architecture Governance viii) Describe the main concepts that make up an Architecture Governance framework ix) Understanding why Architecture Governance is beneficial,x) Understanding how Architecture Governance fits within the ADM cycle xi)Understanding the key success factors for putting Architecture Governance into practice
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Phase G: Implementation Governance
Learning Objectives :Understand how to apply Phase G in development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics : i) Understand the main objectives of the phase ii) Briefly learn the approach to this phase iii) Understand the inputs to the phase iv) Understanding the steps involved and being able to describe the following: Explain how to tailor and conduct an Architecture Compliance Review v) Understand the outputs and be able to explain the following key elements:The contents of Architecture Contracts, Their relationship to Architecture Governance vi) Understanding the Security Architecture influences on this phase vii) Demonstrate the role that risk monitoring plays in this phase
Architecture Development Method (ADM) - Phase H: Architecture Change Management
Learning Objectives : Understand how to apply Phase H in development of an enterprise architecture.
Topics : i) Understand the main objectives of the phase H ii) Briefly learn the approach to the phase,including: Drivers for change Enterprise architecture management process iii) Guidelines for maintenance versus architecture redesign iv) Understand the inputs to this phase for better understanding of Change Requests v) Understand the steps involved in Architecture Board meetings vi) Understanding the outputs and be able to explain when the following might occur vii) Updated Architecture Contracts viii) A new Request for Architecture Work ix) Understanding the Security Architecture influences on this phase
Architecture Requirements Management
Learning Objectives : Understand how to apply the process of managing architecture requirements.
Topics : i) Briefly understand how Requirements Management fits into the ADM cycle ii) Requirements Management process iii) Approaches to Requirements Management iv) Understand the inputs to the phase v) Understand the steps and their correspondence to phases v)Understanding how the Requirements Management steps correspond to ADM phases vi)Understanding the purpose of the outputs of Requirements Management vii)Understanding the Security Architecture influences on the requirements captured
ADM Iteration and Levels
Learning Objectives : The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to apply iteration and different levels of architecture with the ADM.
Topics : i) Understanding the concept of iteration and how it applies to TOGAF ii) Factors influencing the use of iteration iii) Learning some suggested iteration cycles iv) Understanding how the ADM supports different types of engagements within the organization v) Learning how to apply iteration cycles to the ADM phases vi)Understanding how the concepts of levels and the Enterprise Continuum are used to organize the Architecture Landscape vii) Identify the different levels of architecture that exist in an organization
Security Architecture and the ADM
Learning Objectives : Understand the security considerations that need to be addressed during application of the ADM.
Topics : i) Understand the responsibility that Enterprise Architects have towards Security Architecture and the recommended Security adaptations to the ADM
Using TOGAF to Define & Govern SOAs
Learning Objectives : Understand how the ADM can be adapted for the SOA style of architecture.
Topics : i) SOA as an architectural style ii) Understanding how enterprise architecture supports SOA iii) Recommended SOA adaptations to the ADM

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TOGAF Training in BangaloreYes. myTectra offers Classroom Training in Bangalore on TOGAF Framework and Live-Online Training on TOGAF Globally. |
TOGAF Online TrainingYes. myTectra offers Live Online Training on TOGAF Framework Globally. |
TOGAF Training in MarathahalliYes. myTectra offers Classroom Training in Marathahalli - Bangalore on TOGAF Framework and Live-Online Training on TOGAF Globally. |
Best TOGAF Institute in BangaloreYes. myTectra offers Classroom Training in Bangalore on TOGAF Framework and Live-Online Training on TOGAF Globally. |
TOGAF Training in BTMYes. myTectra offers Classroom Training in BTM Layout 2nd Stage - Bangalore on TOGAF Framework and Live-Online Training on TOGAF Globally. |
TOGAF Training in BTMYes. myTectra offers Classroom Training in BTM Layout 2nd Stage - Bangalore on TOGAF Framework and Live-Online Training on TOGAF Globally. |