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Deployment and Publishing of Flutter Apps

24. Deployment and Publishing of Flutter Apps

Once you've developed your Flutter app and thoroughly tested it, the next step is to deploy and publish it to make it accessible to users. This tutorial will guide you through the deployment and publishing process for both Android and iOS platforms.


Before you proceed, make sure you have completed the following steps:

  • App Development: Your Flutter app should be fully developed and tested.
  • Flutter Setup: Ensure that you have Flutter and Dart installed on your development machine.

  • Google Play Console: If you intend to publish on Android, you need a Google Play Console account.

  • Apple Developer Account: For iOS deployment, you must have an Apple Developer account.

Deployment for Android (Google Play Store)

Step 1: Create a Release Build

To deploy your app on the Google Play Store, you need to create a release build. Open your terminal and navigate to your Flutter app's root directory. Run the following command:
flutter build apk --release

This command will generate an APK file in the 'build/app/outputs/flutter-apk' directory. The APK file is ready for distribution on the Google Play Store.

Step 2: Set Up a Google Play Console Account

If you haven't already, sign up for a Google Play Console account at Google Play Console.

Step 3: Create a New App Listing

In the Google Play Console, click on "Create app" to create a new app listing. Follow the on-screen instructions to fill in the required details, including app name, description, icon, screenshots, and more.

Step 4: Prepare Store Listing and Pricing

Complete the store listing by providing information like content rating, contact details, and pricing if your app is not free.

Step 5: Upload APK

Under the "App releases" section in the Google Play Console, click on "Manage" to create a new release. Upload the release APK file generated in Step 1.

Step 6: Testing and Review

Before publishing, conduct testing using the Google Play Console's internal testing track or a closed alpha/beta testing track. This helps identify issues and gather feedback.

Step 7: Publish Your App

Once you're satisfied with your app's testing phase, you can publish it to the Google Play Store. Click the "Start rollout to production" button.

It may take a few hours or days for your app to become available to users worldwide.

Deployment for iOS (App Store)

Step 1: Create a Release Build

To deploy your app on the Apple App Store, create a release build by running the following command in your terminal:
flutter build ios --release

This command generates an iOS release build.

Step 2: Set Up an Apple Developer Account

If you don't have an Apple Developer account, you can sign up for one at Apple Developer.

Step 3: Configure App Identifier and Provisioning Profiles

In the Apple Developer portal, configure your app's identifier (Bundle ID) and create provisioning profiles for distribution. Follow the official Apple documentation for detailed steps.

Step 4: Prepare App Store Connect

Go to App Store Connect and log in with your Apple Developer account. Create a new app listing for your Flutter app. Fill in all the required details, including app name, description, screenshots, and pricing.

Step 5: Prepare for Submission

Ensure your Flutter app complies with Apple's App Store guidelines. This includes removing any test data, debugging features, or placeholder content.

Step 6: Upload Your App

In App Store Connect, under the "My Apps" section, select your app and navigate to the "App Store" tab. Click on "iOS App on the App Store" and follow the prompts to upload your app's release build.

Step 7: Submit for Review

Submit your app for review by clicking the "Submit for Review" button in App Store Connect. Apple's review process may take several days.

Step 8: Release Your App

Once your app is approved, you can choose the release date and make it available to users on the App Store.


Congratulations! You've successfully deployed and published your Flutter app on both Android and iOS platforms. Remember that app maintenance and regular updates are essential for providing a positive user experience, so continue to improve and enhance your app based on user feedback and evolving platform requirements.