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How do I start my career after long ? →Artificial Intelligence has been brain-dead since the 1970s. This rather ostentatious remark made by Marvin Minsky co-founder of the world-famous MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, was referring to the fact that researchers have been primarily concerned on small facets of machine intelligence as opposed to looking at the problem as a whole.
Because of the scope and ambition, artificial intelligence defies simple definition. Initially artificial intelligence was defined as “the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men”.
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, as the name suggests, is the intelligence exhibited by the machines. By acquiring intelligence, although artificial, the machines will become capable of working and reacting like humans. Today, the artificial intelligence that exists is termed as narrow or weak AI. The future objective of the researchers is to create general or strong AI with the ability to perform almost every perceptive task. Along with this, its future scope is enhancing and so is the curiosity of the individuals towards this field. The individuals with an interest in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Deep Learning can opt a career in this technology. With the scope of this technology expanding every day, the demand for the machine learning engineers, machine learning researchers and AI Developers are also going to increase and hence is the career opportunities.
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