Interview Question: Tell Me Something About Yourself?

1 min read
Aug 17, 2019 12:00:01 PM

In some interview questions that are bound to come up in any job interview that you give. This question is one such commonly asked question which opposite to most people beliefs can make or break your chances of landing the job.

Tell me about yourself is one of the most commonly asked questions because people are confused about the way in which they should go about answering this question. Don’t worry.

Following is a reliable method of answering this question in such a way that you will not only be able to build rapport with the hiring managers but also prove to them why you are the ideal candidates. 

First, you should start with who are you by specifically telling the recruiters about your professional background which in turn helps them judge your personality, attitude, and ability. Then you should proceed further by selling yourself. Think about what are your primary selling points. What are the skills/experiences/specializations that separate you from your competitors? Find out the answer to this question so that you can provide excellent information when answering the “tell us about yourself” question. 

You need to give priority to on what makes you the Superb candidate for the job if you want to keep the recruiters interested in you. Finally, state why you have applied for the position, how enthusiastic and interested you are in a particular job opening. Describe your enthusiasm for the job. Just remember to never badmouth your past employers and don’t be too outspoken. 

To summarize it up, while answering the question “Tell me about yourself”, you should consider first talking about your present. Speak about your current and most recent professional experience. Then take action into the past. Talk about the positive differences you created, the leadership positions you held, and link your selling points by giving with short examples. At the end of the interview, talk a bit about the future and what you bring to the table. You have 3-4 minutes to make a good impression so make the most of it by practising in advance.

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